Band: Prophets of Grey | Album: A Split in the Sun
8 track album: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Music and Lyrics: Eric Olcsvary
Vocals: Claire Collins (First 4 tracks)
Guitars: Eric Olcsvary, Karina Schulz (7th track)
Drums, Keyboard, and Bass: Eric Olcsvary
Production and Final Mix in GarageBand: Eric Olcsvary
Always wanting to try writing and recording a full length album, one day I took the plunge. I grew up playing piano and guitar thanks to my dad, and drums, though not clean to a professional's ears, I took the risk to learn them. The main genre is experimental metal, fully inspired by artists such as Frank Zappa, Mr. Bungle, and King Crimson. 
A Split in the Sun is a concept album based on my comic book world I've built in Wendy and the Sprite, Overflow and Dot the Robot.
Two sisters, deities of the moon hovering over an old grey planet, fight over the governing of said planet; resulting in their moon splitting in two. One sister "rules", while the other, perishes to the shadows below on the planet's surface. 
There's more to it of course, as it relates to my comic books I produce under AllsCherry.

Split in the Sun Album Cover, painted by Eric Olcsvary. 24" square masonite board and acrylic paint. 

Magic, the Moon Deity
Magic, the Moon Deity
Prophets of Grey Logo
Prophets of Grey Logo
The Sisters
The Sisters
Sage, the Shadow Deity
Sage, the Shadow Deity
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